Waterbones (Astronomical Observatory) 2023

Art and Landscape in symbiosis produce emotion, feelings that are not bound by individual experience: our goal is to bring into focus the system of relationships between man and the land he inhabits.

The site-specific installation Waterbones at the Polyfunctional Observatory in the Chianti (OPC), a site of scientific activity, is coordinated by the University of Florence department of Physics and Astronomy, in cooperation with the Department of Earth Sciences, and the Laboratory of Experimental Geo Physics and LaMMA.
The choice of the Observatory was determined by the artist’s interest in the observatory as a centre of active study, of research and of observation of the sky and of the celestial bodies in the cosmos.
Cecchini’s modular installations, in their assembly, are surprisingly similar to complex dynamic systems, composed of a concatenation of interconnected steel elements. Each individual module is connected to the next allowing it to rotate and therefore change. The work contains a series of parameters with their own variables and appears as a whole, as a fluctuation, as a metaphor of different dynamics, such as the movements of flocks of birds, the interconnection of social systems or the cerebral synaptic structure.
These complex dynamic systems are relationships composed of multiple parts interacting among themselves producing behaviour said to be constantly emerging, in a manifestation of the global as opposed to the individual.

Arte nel Paesaggio, curated by Giada Rodani and Jade Vlietstra,
Barberino Tavarnelle, Italy

Photographer: Milos Dokmanovic

Waterbones (Astronomical Observatory) 2023

Art and Landscape in symbiosis produce emotion, feelings that are not bound by individual experience: our goal is to bring into focus the system of relationships between man and the land he inhabits.

The site-specific installation Waterbones at the Polyfunctional Observatory in the Chianti (OPC), a site of scientific activity, is coordinated by the University of Florence department of Physics and Astronomy, in cooperation with the Department of Earth Sciences, and the Laboratory of Experimental Geo Physics and LaMMA.
The choice of the Observatory was determined by the artist’s interest in the observatory as a centre of active study, of research and of observation of the sky and of the celestial bodies in the cosmos.
Cecchini’s modular installations, in their assembly, are surprisingly similar to complex dynamic systems, composed of a concatenation of interconnected steel elements. Each individual module is connected to the next allowing it to rotate and therefore change. The work contains a series of parameters with their own variables and appears as a whole, as a fluctuation, as a metaphor of different dynamics, such as the movements of flocks of birds, the interconnection of social systems or the cerebral synaptic structure.
These complex dynamic systems are relationships composed of multiple parts interacting among themselves producing behaviour said to be constantly emerging, in a manifestation of the global as opposed to the individual.

Arte nel Paesaggio, curated by Giada Rodani and Jade Vlietstra,
Barberino Tavarnelle, Italy

Photographer: Milos Dokmanovic